

Website for florists

Increase number of visitors both online and offline

  • Boost website traffic with great content, including tips, guides, and an engaging product catalogue
  • Provide effective customer service by offering detailed and comprehensive product information
  • Save time with automatic website maintenance
  • Show your expertise online with hundreds of guides, videos, tips and tricks
  • Simple and fast editing of website content via "drag & drop"
Discover our website for florists

Your benefits with the website

Automated website maintenance: customer loyalty through content

Save time with automated website maintenance

With our automated website maintenance, you can focus more on your customers. New content including tips, videos and blog posts, is communicated every week to ensure your customers are always well informed. The content is regularly updated to align with seasonal events like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, and other special occasions. It consistently reflects the latest information in the garden calendar and provides current tips.



Show your expertise online with our content

Hundreds of videos, tips and tricks are just waiting to be read and discovered by your customers. With our website for florists, you can show your green expertise through an online channel. You can offer your customers an extended customer service and convince them of your products. We provide professional, consumer-friendly, and search engine-optimised content covering a wide range of topics in the field of gardens and indoors to educate your customers about all.

Show expertise online: Content, videos, tips

Simple content adjustments via drag & drop

Simply implement the content adjustments yourself using "drag & drop"

You don't have to be an IT professional to fill your website with new content. In our Cloud Software, you can make content adjustments using "drag & drop". To do this, just drag the pre-made content elements onto the respective page and fill them with content. You can easily exchange pictures and texts. Creating and editing website content has never been easier!

Ensure efficient customer service with comprehensive product information

Nowadays, many consumers find out about the desired product before they buy it. And that's where your website comes into play. Because with our content library you can provide comprehensive product information on your range, which the customer can view online at any time before buying. This means that your customers come to your shop well informed and your staff have more time for your plants and the area.

Efficient customer service through comprehensive product information



Increase the number of online and offline visitors with the garden guide and your product range

Increase your visitor numbers online and offline

With our huge content library, you can provide your customers with important information and trends with just a few clicks. There you will find hundreds of videos, garden blog articles and tips. With this information you can increase your visibility in no time - online and offline. This ensures higher visitor numbers and satisfied customers who are already well informed online.

This is how we create your new website


We create your new responsive website and enable the best shopping experience on every device.


Mobile First? Definitely! We understand that mobile phones are the most convenient way to shop.


We create a modern design tailored to your preferences for an optimal online presence.


Recognition value guaranteed! We develop your new website in your corporate design.


No more waiting time! Your new website will impress with fast loading times.

Overview of the functions

Overview of the functions

How does your project work?

Initial briefing

To understand your wishes and ideas thoroughly, we establish the design and functional specifications of your project through a briefing. Considering your corporate design, we request logos, graphics, and other relevant elements. This ensures that your project reflects your unique identity

Conception & Development

During the conception phase, we define the design structure of your website, providing you with a clear preview of the project's appearance. We accommodate correction rounds and individual adjustments to address any change requests or additional ideas you may have. Once you are satisfied with the layout, the project proceeds to the development stage.

Quality control

To ensure a seamless outcome, an internal final quality control is conducted, assessing your project for both design and functionality. Any necessary final adjustments will be made before the project is ready to go live. After all, our goal is to provide your customers with a great online experience.


The release is a crucial time where your project goes live, and the site is updated with the new design. This means your customers can now visit your new website to learn more about you, your business, and your products.

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Our experts will guide you through the Cloud Software in about 30 minutes tentatively and work with you to identify potential for your company.

  • Insight into the Cloud Software functions
  • Answers to your questions
  • Individual consultation for you and your team
  • 100% free of charge

FAQ ́s about our websites

What makes the website solution from Green Solutions so special?

You get an industry-specific website solution that has been developed through years of practice and is perfectly tailored to you. You get access to our huge content library with thousands of pictures, videos and editorial content to use as you wish across your site. This allows you to provide your clients with all the information they need 24/7. Best of all - you don't need to be an IT expert to maintain your website. Our system is user-friendly and, if you wish, we can also support you personally on your way to digitalisation.

What are the costs of creating and running the website?

The costs for your new website depend on the modules you book. Using the modular system, you can book additional functions and modules that perfectly tailor your website to your needs. Basically, we distinguish between one-off and annual costs. Please contact us for your individual offer.

Can I just switch to another provider?

Even though we would miss you very much as a customer, you can of course switch to another provider. The rights to the layout and the content that you have integrated belong to you and can be taken over without any problems. Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns, we will certainly find a solution.

Who makes the changes to my website?

With the easy content management you can make adjustments yourself easily and without complications. If you don't have the time, you can just contact us. We offer various service packages to help you with website maintenance.

How long is the contract period?

The contract period for our website solution is 3 years. For this period, you get a competitive and professional website with high-quality content that increases your visibility and promotes customer loyalty.

Is my website (future) proof?

We follow the "Software as a Service" approach and offer you a website that is continuously updated and kept up to date. This means that functional extensions and improvements are made available to you directly. At the same time, you also receive new content such as videos, editorial articles, etc. These are easily made available directly via the database. And, as far as security is concerned, we take care of important issues for you such as legal security, GDPR compliance, hacker protection, backup, monitoring and load balancing.

Where do I find out about the functional innovations in the Cloud Software from Green Solutions and the new contents?

We always keep you up to date. We communicate news about functional innovations directly in the dashboard of your website or under the menu item "What's new". Content-specific innovations can also be found as news in the dashboard or under the menu item "Database". Here you can have pictures, videos and garden blog articles specially adapted to your range of products determined.

How long does it take to implement the website?

The duration of the website implementation depends on the scope of the booked modules. In a project plan, you get a chronological overview of when your project will be finished and which phase it is in at what point in time. This means you always have an overview of when you can get started with your new website.