product catalogue


Product catalogue

Show product range online

  • Increase online and offline visitor numbers with great content like tips, guides and the product catalogue
  • Increase visibility through relevant product data
  • Show products quickly online by accessing the Green Solutions plant and product database
  • Efficient customer service through professional and comprehensive product information
Get to know our article catalogue
Present articles optimally online

Present products optimally online

With a detailed and well-filled product catalogue, you can optimally present and sell your products online. This way you can show what you sell in your shop and increase both visibility and sales. Do you want to increase visitor numbers online and offline? This is no problem with a comprehensive range that allows you to quickly show products online. How does it work? Simply access our Green Solutions content library and feed your products with our plant or product data. Relevant product data increases your visibility and customer service is already online through the comprehensive product information.

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  • Insight into the Cloud Software functions
  • Answers to your questions
  • Individual consultation for you and your team
  • 100% free of charge