

Conversion optimisation

If you want more online revenue, you can do two things: attract more visitors or get more revenue from your existing visitors. For us, conversion optimisation is an important part of our Performance Based Marketing services. This is because it is a way to get more revenue from your current visitors, without spending more money.

With conversion optimisation, you can adjust your website or webshop to get more conversions. Besides orders, this could include more newsletter subscriptions, leads or loyalty card registrations. To increase your conversion rate, we apply numerous solutions:

  • A/B testing to see which changes to your website have the most effect.
  • Optimising landing pages to better match your website to visitors' expectations.
  • Improving your webshop's check-out to prevent visitors from dropping out.
  • Optimising content to better match visitors' expectations.
  • Applying online reviews to inspire trust.

Conversion optimisation is an investment you make now, which in the long run will improve your webshop's return on investment.

Want to know more about how we can improve your return with conversion optimisation? Then contact us and we will be happy to tell you more about how we work.

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